Night life in Japan
Tokyo can definitely measure up to world cities such as London or New York in terms of clubs, bars and other nightly activities. The Japanese love dancing, drinking and live music and you can experience this in Tokyo 24/7, because the city lives every day and night. Of course, the city is already a giant light show by itself, which almost makes it a disco, but where can you find the nicest places to go out?
For a club you usually pay an entrance fee of 2,500-3,000 yen, that's not bad but then you have a nice evening in a top club! The clubs are fancy, hip, modern and fully equipped. If you prefer live music, you can also go to Tokyo as many Japanese are engaged in making music on the street and in the local bar. In addition, you can have a drink in the infinite number of restaurants, bars or cafes, there the entrance is usually free.

In addition to Tokyo's vibrant nightlife, there are also plenty of festivals throughout the year. Some nice festivals we can recommend are the Fuji Rock, Summer Sonic, Rock in Japan and Tokyo Summer Music Festival which are all held in the months of July and August. Most of these festivals last a few days and a ticket costs around 15,000 yen.

In addition to Tokyo's vibrant nightlife, there are also plenty of festivals throughout the year. Some nice festivals we can recommend are the Fuji Rock, Summer Sonic, Rock in Japan and Tokyo Summer Music Festival which are all held in the months of July and August. Most of these festivals last a few days and a ticket costs around 15,000 yen.
Ruben Mettepenningen