Professional life

Etiquette in the workplace, also in Japan they have different unwritten rules about how to behave in the workplace. If you are going to work in another country as an expat, there are always things that you will not immediately know. In this post I will give you some of these etiquette rules so that on your first day of...

Transportation in Japan is generally efficient and fast. During rush hour it can be crowded however it is the best way to reach your destination. If you live in a big city or metropolis, having a car is rather unnecessary as trains connect all over the country and buses run over large networks.

There are plenty of things about the Japanese culture that are not only beautiful and fun, but sometimes controversial, strange, or downright regrettable. One subject that fits in well with this is the Japanese working culture. Most of us have heard a bit about the enormous workload, long working days, and other horror stories about working in...

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